Recently on my Facebook page “How to get pregnant with PCOS” women have been writing about their experiences with the tablet called Metformin.
Most have described side effects such as nausea, abdominal discomfort and general un-wellness on this medication. This has caused many to stopped it.
You may be on this medication as well, and could be experiencing similar problems. But It is important to stay on this medication and I will discuss this further.
But first: …. .Make sure you are taking the “Slow Release” formula of Metformin as this reduces any possible side effects.
Why take Metformin?
Metformin is an Insulin-sensitising drug that has been used for PCOS women since 1994.
By Lowering the Blood insulin levels Metformin can improve follicle and egg growth and therefore ovulation and the menstrual cycle.
Since that time, Large studies have proven that Metformin improves the ovulation rate, and also the pregnancy rate in women with PCOS who were trying for a baby.
Studies also showed that the addition of Metformin with Clomiphene Citrate (also called Clomid or Serophene) can benefit in improving the ovulation rate and pregnancy rate in PCOS women.
So don’t neglect this tablet. Be patient as it may take time to work.
See your family doctor about using the Slow release Metformin.
PS: If you would like to make comments or share your thoughts on PCOS and getting pregnant please visit my Facebook page.